Suraya's Monthly Budget Update

Budget Update: May 2022 – Awesome Month

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Welcome to another edition of my monthly budget updates, where I break down my expenses by category and share the highlights and lowlights of the month.

So how was your May? Was it good, bad or meh?

For me, I had an awesome month. I had my birthday (turned 34 yay) and was spoiled rotten by my loved ones. I got: a hotel staycation, two nice birthday dinners, a girls-day-out spa session, and a bunch of presents. At one point I cried because I am so happy with how my life turned out.

And then, because I like to overthink, I immediately worry. Crap, I am now expected to return the favour, when their turns come around.

Now, this is a problem, because I suck at gift-giving. It is not my primary love language, in fact it is my least favourite. But I have no choice but to learn to be good at it, because I refuse to be the person who only receives but never give back in return.

If there is one thing I have learned so far in this short life. You must never be a Taker. No one likes Takers.

Let’s get on to the budget part.

Budget Update: May 2022

In May 2022, I spent RM14,745.17. The top 3 top expenses were:

  • Donations & Gifts (RM5,788.85) – Cash gifts to family members
  • Misc Needs (RM5,238.45) Paid taxes
  • Utilities & Rent (RM1,268.47) – Half mortgage and bills

Cumulatively, the top 3 expenses make up 84% of my total May 2022 expenses. (My belief is, if you want to save money, always trim from the top 3 expenses rather than cut out a few ringgits from other already-low expenses)

My Spending Breakdown in May 2022

Here’s what I spent on in the whole month of May 2022, in their respective categories and from highest to lowest amount:

Yay of the Month:

#1 – Received *most* of my pending payments from clients

I had 12 pending payments from clients. By writing time, 8 of them had paid 🙂 It’s a good month, cashflow-wise.

#2 – Found the perfect sofa

This scratch-resistant sofa is not a want, it is a NEED. Tanks to my cats, my 5-year-old fabric sofa is practically a goner.

I am not kidding about my cats

#3 – Paid taxes, maxed out tax relief for EPF and PRS

In May 2022, I’ve:

  • paid taxes YA2021
  • self-contributed EPF RM4k to max out tax relief
  • self-contributed PRS RM3k to max out tax relief

And just like that, almost spent all payments received from clients :’) Oh well, being responsible feels good too.

#4 – Sold old laptop

Managed to sell old laptop for RM250 yay. Glad I took the time to list and sell it, instead of just sending to e-waste centre.

#5 – Appeared on..

#1 – Ringgit & Sense on BFM Radio

Thanks BFM Ringgit & Sense show for having me again 🙂 Find my travel budgeting tips in the podcast, listen to it at:

#2 – “Ringgit Dijaga Keluarga Sejahtera” Webinar with AKPK

Thank you Experian for having me, happy to present ‘Cara Berbincang Kewangan dengan Pasangan (Tanpa Bergaduh)’ in the webinar. My slot at 50 minutes in, watch here:

#6 – Misc


  • Tate No Yuusha No Nariagari manga Vol 1-18 (this counts!!)

Noteworthy shows:

  • Everything Everywhere All At Once
  • Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Bought for myself:

  • New powerbank
  • Sunscreens and liptint
  • Iphone cable replacement
  • Gym shoes
  • Spray mop replacement
  • Laundry bag so I can wash and sell clothes

Nay of the Month:

#1 – Vet fees

Noticed my cat Lemon peeing frequently, everywhere – on couch, bed, carpet. It turned from bad to worse when I found blood in his pee, so off to the vet he went.

Thankfully it was just an inflamed bladder and he recovered without needing surgery. By the end of the antibiotics treatment, I became quite the pro at administering pills.

Cost: RM85. Also upgraded cat food – they eat Royal Canin now.

#2 – The market sucks

Horrible month for investors. Everything is red, my portfolio is down by at least a third. Trying my best to ignore it. Nothing I can do but just continue DCA as usual.

Things to Look Forward to:

  • Hopefully can fully move into new place 🙂

Well, that was my May 2022. How was yours? What’s your yay of the month, nay of the month, and something you’re looking forward to? Tell me in the comments section 🙂

To read about my past monthly budget update, click here. Graphs are taken from my expense-tracking app Money Lover (find out your budgeting style)

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