Link Roundup #66: 10 Things to Know This Week
Accelerate your personal finance knowledge with this regular feature on Ringgit Oh Ringgit – the Link Roundup! I promise you’ll find these 10 links informational 🙂
1. 5 Top Stories That Shaped Fintech in Malaysia in 2020 – FintechNews Malaysia
The 5 top stories are:
- Record funding rounds for digital banking aspirants
- eKYC was introduced in Malaysia
- Acquisitions galore in 2020
- Institutions ramp up digitisation efforts
- Crypto picks up traction in Malaysia amidst bitcoin bull run
Tbh the headings barely contain any ‘meat’ of the stories. Read the article to learn what happened in the fintech scene in Malaysia!
P/s – I think we can expect those digital banks soon 🙂
2. Does stress have a negative impact on your financial decisions? You’re not alone – CNBC
No, you can’t ask financially struggling people to ‘just make better decisions’ – ‘stress negatively impacts our ability to make informed and rational financial decisions, according to the behavioural science experts at The Decision Lab‘.
If you’re nodding to that sentence and have been stressed out, please read the tips listed here to work on your money mindset.
3. How Couples Can Find Balance While Working from Home – Harvard Business Review
On doing more than your equal share of housework:
Selflessness may be effective in the short term, but it can also generate a slow burn of resentment and affect things like your job performance, the quality of the time spent with your children, and your mental health
I really like the negotiation tactics the writers included in the article – reframing negotiations as problem-solving exercises. It’s not You vs Me, it’s Us vs The Problems!
Definitely a recommended read, especially for the one who’s doing most of the unpaid care work in the household!
4. I Bought Some Bitcoin Despite My Skepticism – RinggitGenie
Really enjoyed RinggitGenie’s thought process on buying bitcoin and justifying the purchase as a self-confessed sceptic. All three arguments he had against bitcoin are valid.
It’s good to stay sceptical. Sometimes the bitcoin/crypto crowd *can* get a bit cultish, we need more cool heads among its investors!
5. Financial Planning-Getting It Right – Dear Duit
Amazing article by Dear Duit! It’s refreshing to finally read a financial planning article which addresses the fear of taking action – one of the biggest barrier to DIY financial planning, aside from lack of financial education:
We tend to always react irrationally out of fear. Having fear is a normal response, but fear can also be a driving force in your life. Fear is the greatest obstacle to financial peace. If you’re in the stage of fear and stuck in a place where you’re constantly afraid, you’ll be paralyzed. When you’re paralyzed, you won’t even be able to breathe, resulting in being stuck in a rut where nothing changes.
I’ll be the first person to admit I was (and still am) scared shitless with some financial decisions I chose to make. After all, who wants to lose money and time!
I still struggle with taking action in some areas, but overall I tend to take action. Some of them paid of, some of them didn’t, but at the very least I can say this: I don’t have that many ‘what ifs’!
6. Bank Negara has a new website design
I’m happy for the updated design, but sad that my 5 Interesting Info I Found in the Bank Negara Malaysia Website is now outdated 🙁
Check out BNM’s new website at
7. COVID-19 dramatically changed what people want in a home—and Ikea has the data to prove it – Fast Company
Ikea’s study is noteworthy because they polled 38,210 people (impressive number!) in 37 countries, including Malaysia (you can read the full report here).
The article is cool to me for trend-spotting reasons – what products/services will be in demand, considering the home features that people now want and their distance to the workplace? Something worth thinking if you’re entering/is part of the commerce space.
8. The ‘Fake Wealth’ Industry Making Influencers Look Rich – VICE
I knew about the fake private jets for photoshoot sessions, and editing (read: doctoring) glamorous shots like it’s taken at luxurious travel destinations, but did NOT know that buying EMPTY boxes from luxury brands is a thing!
What other ways of faking wealth have you seen?
9. Month in Review: November 2020 – I’m Funemployed
I’m Funemployed’s November 2020 update is as real as they come – in the Reflections section, she shared the pain of losing a job and the fear of deportation (she’s a Malaysian working in Singapore) WHILE battling health issues.
Thankfully, after months of looking, she found a new job. Congratulations, so happy for you!!
(P/s – If you ever work in Singapore, getting medical insurance is a must. She paid S$5,597.59 in medical fees out-of-pocket AFTER insurance)
10. 5 Kereta Yang Geng MLM Patut Beli – Mekanika Malaysia
This video is both educational AND petty (for a cause), I love it! The hosts called out network marketers and their reputation for wealth signalling!
That’s it for this round, catch you next time! Want to submit a link you thought was great? Reach out to me on FB or Twitter.
To read past link roundups, please click here.
Hi Suraya, seems like some of the links are not inline.
Omg you’re right. Thanks Lynn for letting me know, working on it
Fixed it!