link roundup
Link Roundup

Link Roundup #92: 10 Things to Know This Week

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Accelerate your personal finance knowledge with this regular feature on Ringgit Oh Ringgit – the Link Roundup! I promise you’ll find these 10 links informational 🙂

1. If You Use These 6 Phrases a Lot, You’re a Better Leader Than You Think – Inc

Leadership is more than these 6 phrases, but this is a great starting point. They are:

  1. “We could not have done it without your hard effort.”
  2. “I could use your advice on what direction to take.”
  3. “How can I help?”
  4. “I trust you.” 
  5. “Honestly, I don’t know.”
  6. “What do you need from me?”

Read the article to understand the justification.

2. 7 Phrases Emotionally Abusive Partners Use To Control Their Relationships – HuffPost

Did you watch Tinder Swindler? I did too, and horrified at how the scammer financially abused his partners. Financial abuse starts with emotional abuse, so take 3 mins to read this article to identify how it looks like. Who knows you’re in such relationship right now (I hope not, but if yes, LEAVE).

However, what that dude did was more evil, more psychopathic. You’ll be thinking but how could someone even do horrible things like that but remember psychopaths literally don’t care if they hurt you as long as they gain from it.

I’ve shared this before and will share it again: please learn how to spot psychopaths, so you can avoid them.

3. He insists on splitting bills, even amid his raises and spouse’s massive pay cut – The Washington Post

What do you do when your partner earns (way) more than you, but insist on splitting bills evenly?

This is a very real dilemma within dual-income households. You should know what’s acceptable behaviour and what isn’t, and what you can do about it.

4. It’s not just you. Science explains how your focus is more scattered now and how to get it back – Fast Co

The first bolded subheading got me – ‘Your attention didn’t collapse. It was stolen.’

I – and you as well, let’s face it – are having trouble focusing, and it’s systemic rather than a personal weakness. Each social media platform and web portal wants you to stay as long as possible on their site, so they implement tweaks to make you crave to get back there. This is how the internet works now.

And now your brain is messed up. It’s hard to focus.

Like all problems, the first step is acknowledging the damage. The average RoR audience is 25-35 years old. We’ll be using your brain for a long time. This is common sense, but needs to be said – we have to take care of it, because no one else will.

5. A New Study Explains What It Takes to Stop Wasting So Much Time Online – Inc

The post is worth reading in full, but tl;dr – research showed that the more videos you watch, the more you’ll want to watch, so ‘don’t let yourself go on a streak’. It’s fine to watch a video, but keep it at ONE video.

The same applies to other content.

6. Consumers Aren’t Willing to Give Up Convenience to Shop Their Values – Enterpreneur Asia Pacific

We claim to make buying decisions based on our values, but in reality, most people are swayed by fast shipping and the lowest price.

Well aren’t that a stab in the ol’ conscience :’)

7. How to Want Less – The Atlantic

On that subject, I’m a big believer in living a fulfilled life without a lot of… stuff. In this beautiful essay exploration, the author wrote about the very human behaviour of constantly chasing the next thing that caught your eye, and never being satisfied for long. An excerpt:

Your goals are probably very different from mine, and perhaps your lifestyle is too. But the trap is the same. Everyone has dreams, and they beckon with promises of sweet, lasting satisfaction if you achieve them. But dreams are liars. When they come true, it’s … fine, for a while. And then a new dream appears.

Maybe they’re right – the key to happiness is appreciating what you already have, instead of chasing new things and commercial experiences.

8. I’m Unhappy at Work. Should I Quit My Job? – Vice

TL;DR – find career coach.

What? Really? Perhaps that’s a good suggestion, but I’ve never really seen people actually taking that advice? What do YOU do when you’re unhappy at work but can’t afford to quit?

9. Feds Arrest Couple Who Allegedly Laundered $1 Billion in Stolen Bitcoins – Vice

Aside from the amount (the 94,000 bitcoins are worth $3.6 BILLION at today’s rate), what’s cool is how they tracked down the couple, who tried hard to cover their tracks using these strategies:

Lichtenstein and Morgan laundered money using the following techniques, according to the document:

“(1) using accounts set up with fictitious identities;

(2) moving the stolen funds in a series of small amounts, totaling thousands of transactions, as opposed to moving the funds all at once or in larger chunks;

(3) utilizing computer programs to automate transactions, a laundering technique that allows for many transactions to take place in a short period of time;

(4) layering the stolen funds by depositing them into accounts at a variety of VCEs and darknet markets and then withdrawing the funds, which obfuscates the trail of the transaction history by breaking up the fund flow;

(5) converting the BTC to other forms of virtual currency, including anonymity-enhanced virtual currency, in a practice known as “chain hopping”;

and (6) using U.S.-based business accounts to legitimize activity.”

10. I Tried Furnishing My Empty Living Room For $500 – Goodful

Enjoyed this video showing the fun and challenges of furnishing one’s house for cheap, using secondhand marketplaces and listings. I think she did well, the place looks awesome!

That’s it for this round, catch you next time! Want to submit a link you thought was great? Reach out to me on FB or Twitter.

To read past link roundups, please click here.

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