Budget Update: May 2021 – Blurry Days
Welcome to another edition of my monthly budget updates, where I break down my expenses by category and share the highlights and lowlights of the month!
May 2021 was mostly spent at home. Except for grocery runs and vaccination shot, we didn’t go anywhere else. We haven’t met our families in more than a month now. To pass the time, we’ve been binge-watching Modern Family on Netflix – definitely getting our money’s worth there.
I have a lot of trouble with focusing. Between Covid-19 cases and death rates which reach new highs on daily basis, and crypto swings (like normal; I’m hodling and DeFi-ing) and the news, I feel like my head is all over the place. Days feel like they blur into weeks and before I knew it, May was over. It’s the strangest feeling yet I know I shouldn’t complain – I’m still one of the lucky ones.
How do you keep your days exciting? Please give suggestions. I miss life and doing stuff.
Okay, let’s get on to the budget part.
Budget Update: May 2021
In May 2021, I spent RM6,106.41. The top 3 top expenses were:
- Utilities & Rent (RM1,901.11) – Gotta keep a roof over our heads
- Donations & Gifts (RM1,204.25) – Parents’ electric bill, donations to an NGO helping Palestine and Kebun Rahmat, a permaculture farm
- Groceries (RM933.60) – Bought extra groceries to make Raya food and desserts

My Spending Breakdown in May 2021
Here’s what I spent on in the whole month of May 2021, in their respective categories and from highest to lowest amount:

Yay of the Month:
#1 – Got vaccinated! (First dose)
Am extremely grateful to be able to get my (first) shot early-ish. Additionally, I’m thankful to be able to get the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine, the (only?) one which promised to NOT profit from the pandemic and sell the vaccines at cost price worldwide.
If everything goes well, the rest of my family members should also get their AZ shots in June and July. I can’t wait to hug them.
#2 – Raya
Puasa came and went. Ngl, it was a sad Raya – it was just the two of us (four if you count the cats).
However, I am grateful to celebrate with my partner and be each other’s strength. Both of us had moments where we wanted to break SOP and visit our families because we miss them so much, but we reminded each other to stay put. It’s the right thing to do.
#3 – Managed to sell Baju Raya
I bought the Baju Raya above for the sole purpose of picture-taking, then managed to sell it. As a frugal person, I know I could have just used my old baju kurung for Raya and feel slightly defensive of this technically unnecessary ‘want’, but hey. You only experience your first Raya as a newlywed once.
#4 – Completed 2-months SEO consultation
Back in March I invested in a professional SEO content audit for RinggitOhRinggit.com. It was absolutely worth it. We had weekly chats and covered areas for improvement, as well as future content strategy. Been implementing some of her tips in May 2021 and I’ve seen my web traffic increase, so it’s working.
#5 – Gave 3 talks
I did:
- Journey to Financial Freedom webinar in collaboration with MyAgeing™️ Financial Literacy and Educational Hub (MyFiLE), UPM
- My Investing Journey in colalboration with AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia
- Money Matters: How to Manage Personal Finances as a Fresh Graduate with Faculty of Social Sciences, UM
Thank you to everyone who attended <3
#6 – Turned 33
One year older 🙂 Gifted myself one pretty dress via Ellegra and Body Shop shower gel.
#7 – Misc
- Read one book: Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World by Fareed Zakaria. The part that I remember the most was how the antivaxx community isn’t ignorant nor stupid (as what I would assume), but rather consume literature that strengthens their bias. And all of us do this – we pick and choose what to believe.
Nay of the Month:
#1 – Palestine attacked by Israel
Like many Malaysians, I too followed the news and updates of the attack on Gaza Strip by Israel. The sheer feeling of helplessness was unreal.
#2 – My stand fan died on me (again)
I don’t know why I have such bad luck with stand fans. This is the second one that broke after lasting barely a year.
#3 – Paid outstanding Indah Water bill
I don’t know why but I kept thinking Indah Water bill is more like a suggestion than an instruction…
I haven’t paid for so long, they sent me a stern-looking letter from a legal company and said they may be taking action over the unpaid Indah Water bill, which ballooned to RM576.
Lesson learned. Paid the whole outstanding amount in one go and will be taking the next Indah Water bills seriously..
#4 – ‘Burned’ a pre-paid hair perm session
I could have used it before it expired in May 2021, but the number of cases were rising so I thought it wasn’t a good idea. Oh well.
Things to Look Forward to:
- Completing work commitments. Am lucky enough to be blessed with paying jobs. Alhamdulillah.
Well, that was my May 2021. How was yours? What’s your yay of the month, nay of the month, and something you’re looking forward to? Tell me in the comments section 🙂
To read about my past monthly budget update, click here. Graphs are taken from my expense-tracking app Money Lover (find out your budgeting style)
Same!! I’m having blurry days as well, my sense of time is very distorted now. Btw bahaha IWK bills do feel like a suggestion
HAHAHAHAHA I know right!!! For some reason I don’t feel the sense of urgency to pay indah water bill