13 Things to Do During Restricted Movement Order in Malaysia
Restricted Movement Order just started, but I admit I’m already restless.
But… I refuse to complain about it. Whatever I’m facing is minor – so minor – compared to what the frontliners are facing. Staying home is the least I can do.
In this article, I compiled some things we can all do during the Restricted Movement Order.
#1 – Work from home
As you know, the Restricted Movement Order demands people who are not part of essential sectors to just stay home and do their work from home. We just have to assume we ourselves are infected and limit our exposure to other people so we don’t infect them.
Easier said than done though. I was already working from home before this, and the transition is minimal, if any, and I still find myself unable to focus on the work.
I don’t know how people get any work done. Am constantly anxious and distracted and glued to my phone
— Suraya Zainudin (@surayaror) March 20, 2020
But hey, like aka work goes on. That’s why I published this article anyway.
#2 – Enable your spouse to work as well
You have work to do. Your spouse have work to do as well. Enable them.
Fact: divorce rates increased after the lockdown in China. Want to avoid? Do your part in cooking, cleaning and childminding.
#3 – Find out new COVID-19 updates
I’m getting my updates mainly from social media (primarily Twitter and Facebook). How about you?
Am learning so much about:
- Local updates (number of new cases, new instructions, financial assistance and support etc)
- Global updates (number of new cases, vaccine development, how different countries are handling the situation etc)
- What billionaires are doing and AREN’T doing (Read: What are the top 100 billionaires doing to help with the Coronavirus crisis? by Brek Throo)
- (Awaiting a similar post with Malaysian twist)
- And also, how useless and nonessential many ‘important’ people are
When this is over, let’s remember that it wasn’t the CEOs and billionaires who saved us. It was the janitors, nurses, grocery, and food workers.
— Mohamad Safa (@mhdksafa) March 19, 2020
Of course, while I’m getting all these updates, I’m also having fun seeing netizens bash wealthy individuals. You know, the tone-deaf, didn’t-check-their-privilege ones who wonder why people are *not* social distancing when its sO eAsY, while they’re self-isolating in their big houses.
If you like posts like these, follow my Twitter @surayaror
#4 – Be part of the #KitaJagaKita movement
Please donate generously to the many organisations helping those who are most affected by COVID-19!
If you can’t help via financial or time donation, you can also help via promoting and sharing the website: https://www.kitajaga.us/
#5 – Be part of Caremongering Malaysia – Community Response to COVID-19
Help to buy and drop off groceries, medicine and other supplies to the elderly and people with limited mobility near you.
Join at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/653716671867349/
#6 – Check up on your friends and family
Social distancing is weird since we humans are inherently social creatures. But we gotta do what we gotta do.
Spare a thought for the extroverts. I think they’re finding it harder than the introverts and they need you now more than ever
#7 – Take care of your own mental health
See, I’m young, healthy, financially stable (ish), and I’m still anxious af. Can’t imagine how other people are going through all this. Trying to be positive is harder than usual, and I’m a natural optimist.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve downloaded a couple of meditation apps, and going through mindfulness playlists on Spotify.
I’m also free-writing. That’s journaling without thinking about what to write. It’s nice to just get it all out, I highly recommend it.
#8 – Take advantage of paid entertainment now provided for free
Or you can go the other route and entertain yourself as the world is falling apart. For example, Scribd is giving free access at https://www.scribd.com/readfree
And iflix
Please share more in the comments section 😀
#9 – Learn stuff
If you have the mental capacity to learn high-demand skills like programming and content marketing, go ahead.
If not, you can also learn more practical stuff like how to cook frugal meals.
Personally, I’m taking some time to do stuff I’ve always wanted to do, like downloading TikTok. (For purely marketing reasons I assure you).
#10 – Read the books you already bought but haven’t read
You heard me.
Related: What’s On My Bookshelf: What I Read and HIGHLY RECOMMEND
#11 – Finally start your website
Who wants to (finally) start a website? Now’s a good time as ever to do it. You can do:
- A blog – lots of people looking for things to read/consume. Related: 6 Personal Finance Blog Ideas, Absolutely Free for You to Take
- (For businesses) A website for your business
- (For freelancers and self-employed) A website that acts as a work portfolio – time to step it up. A professional website may help you get clients
You just need hosting/domain + website design theme. It should cost you roughly RM800ish (for 3 years) + a few hours in setup time.
Step-by-step guide in The Exact Steps I Use to Earn Money from Blogging (it says blogging but will work for other types of websites too).
Dm me if you get stuck, I can do (virtual) handholding 🙂
#12 – Do online shopping
You’re already doing this anyway aren’t you. I heard that online sales went up, especially for categories like fitness equipment, stuff for home office setup and childrens’ toys (and adult toys too – interpret that however you wish).
All I can say is, bless Mr DIY for still opening their online store.
#13 – Support small businesses
If you can online-shop (and offline-shop with precaution) with small businesses, please do so. It’s already hard for them to compete with big businesses in normal times. I can imagine its much harder for them now, without cashflow, minimal cash reserve and limited manpower to spend on marketing efforts.
Personally I’m also affected. RinggitOhRinggit is also a small business. I was planning the launch of 2 books but have to delay until a better time.
I want to launch Money Stories from Malaysians Volume 2 and Cerita Duit Orang Malaysia Jilid 1 but I don’t know if this is a good time 😥
— Suraya Zainudin (@surayaror) March 18, 2020
I’m aware its not just me. Other authors are affected as well
Sorry to say, coming from a reliable source, people are not really willing to spend on books on a time like these. But please support bookstores and authors!!
— theRealGem (@dewgem) March 18, 2020
But its okay. Business can wait. I was also reading somewhere that it’s okay to not be productive during these times, its okay to just merely survive. Some people won’t. Literally.
What are you during Restrictive Movement Order period?
Tell me what you’re up to. What other activities are you doing? Let me know in the comments section.
As always please help me share my articles 🙂 It’s an easy way to support an independent content creator.
Here’s something I’m planning to dive into this weekend: 200 documentary films to view free online! https://www.idfa.nl/en/
And also I can finally watch Bila Kami Bersatu, after repeatedly missing its public screenings: https://freedomfilm.my/video/2019-bila-kami-bersatu
Nice, thank you for sharing Nine!
What am i doing during the Covid-19 lock down period?! Learning skills such as Web developer coding skill which include Html ,CSS, JAVASCRIPT from Udemy ,basic Python language from Programming Hero , Basic marketing skill and IT from Programming Hub , Investment skill, read books which are related to money ,marketing skill and entrepreneurship . Planning on creating an app using MIT with my brother. Entertaining part would be watching funny short clips from youtube and that’s all i’ll spent on my next few days and the rest of my life , Hehe .Oh ya , one more thing , i ve recently got enrolled a course about financial and investment as well. My whole day is always packed everyday but it turned out to be meaningful worthy lesson for me to boost all sort of my skills.I ve been staying at home without stepping out even a single step from my house for more than 5days already starting on 18March 2020. That ‘s all i can share my period here during this lockdown time .
I’m glad you’re keeping yourself busy and productive! All the best with the courses 🙂