Budget Update: June 2016
June Budget Update Summary
*horrified emoticon face*
*horrified emoticon face* x 1000
I spent way, way more than I should this month!!! Complete fail. I had way too much fun, and stopped limiting my expenses because of it. The thing is, all this month my brain was like, “yea Suraya perhaps you shouldn’t” but my heart was like, “GO FOR IT GIRL”.
Can I even call myself frugal anymore? Idk 🙁
Ok, let’s recap. Alright. RM4.3k spent… RM830 was for my new phone… RM300 was my usual loan repayment… RM120 was for usual cost of medical card… rent… phone top up… NOPE STILL OVERSPENT. I’ll go sit in the corner and think of what I’ve done…
Yay of the Month:
- I went on a super fun local trip. This was before puasa time, so I went ahead and ate all the things I wanted. Dim sum. Lots of Japanese food. Fancy scmanchy fusion food. Delicious, but ouch.
- Ordered 2 new glasses on Selectspecs. This is actually a really good website if you want to order new glasses cheaply. I got 2 for roughly RM120. You have to know your eye prescription, though.
- I got a new phone! It’s been a long time coming and I budgeted for it, so I ain’t mad. Lenovo Vibe K4 Note. RM830. I wrote about it here.
- Bought some clothes from thrift shop. Also ain’t mad. Wrote about it here.
- Helped my sister’s Raya booth, from 7am to 11pm. It was tiring, but I managed to sell lots of Baju Raya at Stadium Shah Alam 🙂 See my sister’s Raya collection here.
- I bought a small RM5 book on sambal lol. I made sambal ikan keli and sambal telur that very night, so it was money well spent.
Nay of the Month:
- Spent a shitton on groceries. Almost RM500! Aside from the usual stuff, I bought homemade kimchi from my friend’s mom (RM40, SO GOOD), and 6 packs of smoked salmon (in my defense, it was on sale. 50% off. Of course I had to get them).
- My water filter broke. Twice. That’s roughly RM130 out of pocket to replace them. And lots of anger in the process.
- My umbrella also broke 🙁 I loved that umbrella – got it from Geneva and its such a nice, pretty orange colour. Replaced it with a green stripes one from Mr. DIY (RM20).
- …Was overly generous in general. I was in a giving mood, so I paid for and bought gifts for many people. I don’t regret it, but I wish I know how to say no to non-essential purchases…
Things to Look Forward to:
- Belt tightening. No more than one meal out per week. No more than one expensive meal out per month.
- Raya? Idk still no mood yet. This year I have about 15-20 Raya packets to distribute and that’s another unavoidable expense (here’s all my Raya expenses). But still. Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin you alls.
- My shit lasting for a while. Praying that nothing else breaks for the rest of the year.
- But honestly all in all I’m looking forward to get my mental alertness back. During Ramadan I slept more than I should. I was dazed half the time. It’s a special time, religiously speaking, yes, but I have less motivation to improve on my work. I could have earned more, but I didn’t.
Sigh. Have a great July, you guys. Don’t be like me 🙁
To read about my past monthly budget update, click here.