Link Roundup #43: 10 Things to Know This Week
Accelerate your personal finance knowledge with this regular feature on Ringgit Oh Ringgit – the Link Roundup! I promise you’ll find these 10 links informational 🙂
1. Here’s an example of the perfect answer to ‘Tell me about yourself,’ according to Yale career experts – CNBC Make It
It’s not a bad idea to learn the art of humblebragging without making it look like humblebragging. No shade, its true, I do it too.
2. How to Find A Great Career in Golden Years – CNBC
This article is for everyone who is retired (by force or by choice) with not enough retirement savings and seriously considering to re-enter the job market.
…and everyone who would like to know what to do if you ever got in that situation.
3. Highly Likable People Avoid These 12 Behaviors – Inc
*Me going through the list of behaviours trying to think if I do them because I care about being likable*
4. Here’s why being likable may make you a less effective leader – Fast Company
But… apparently being too likable isn’t a good thing either.
Why is life so complex.
5. How to Have a True Hobby, Not A Side Hustle – Vox
All of my favourite hobbies – reading, surfing the web, watching Youtube, journaling, gaming – are either (1) practical hobbies that helps my business, and (2) involves the screen.
I don’t agree that those are not ‘true hobbies’, since I really do enjoy doing them, but I acknowledge I need to explore other activities, especially those that involve crafts and music. It’s been a while, I miss those.
6. The grooming gap: What “looking the part” costs women – Salon
This excerpt though:
We’ve all heard the common advice to “look the part” at work. For men, that can often just mean business casual clothing and a short haircut. For women, it can mean hours spent each week on makeup, hair styling and curating an outfit that’s both attractive and professional.
The rules are usually unspoken; even when employers do not explicitly require workers to wear makeup, for example, women workers often feel required to wear it anyway.
They’re not wrong: Sociologists Jaclyn Wong and Andrew Penner found that physically attractive workers have higher incomes than average-looking workers, but that this relationship is eliminated when controlling for grooming in women.
In other words, if you purchase the right clothes, makeup and haircut, higher wages are more within reach.
It’s true that men need to abide by certain grooming rules, too, but they are less complex, less expensive and less time consuming. Men’s haircuts, for example, often cost much less than women’s haircuts — regardless of hair length.
The grooming gap essentially constitutes a pay cut catch-22: If women don’t conform, they are paid less; if they do conform, they’re expected to use those higher wages on beauty products and grooming regimens.
7. I’ll Share My Salary Information if You Share Yours – The New York Times
Your employers don’t want you to share salary information. It may expose their hidden biases. It could be gender, race or other factors.
So do it. If you’re underemployed, think of how much money you’re losing each day because you didn’t know your worth.
How to bring it up in a conversations with colleagues? Use their template:
“I was talking to another friend about how they share their salary figures, and I am trying to understand if other people do this. So I was wondering, do you do this? Would you feel O.K. telling me what your salary is? I’ll tell you mine.”
Happy sharing.
8.’s Kalkulator Perbandingan Kemampuan devised a calculator that tells you how long it takes to save up for certain purchases, using your salary and savings rate. It’s quite fun to toggle around: see the difference in time it takes based on 10% vs 25% savings rate from RM2000 salary.
In the same page you will also find another calculator, but this time it’s a cheeky one! You can compare how much a waiter (monthly salary = RM1040) will need to save up to afford all the things, and compare that to the highest job option, Executive Director AirAsia (monthly salary = RM472,782).
Note: No shade to Dato Tony Fernandes. His salary is high but its not the highest one. Other Malaysian CEOs make more than that.
9. “A lifestyle with less expenses, less work, and more time”: the benefits of vanlife – Lonely Planet
It’s easy to fantasise about the #vanlife, but it’s probably not the lifestyle I want for myself.
Even so, this couple’s van is COOL so I can’t help sharing this link! This is what happens when two engineers decide to remodel their van:
What can I say. I love a pratical layout that optimises small spaces.
10. 27 Chrome Extentions to Boost Your Productivity – Ladders
And last but not least, some useful Chrome extentions because let’s face it, we’re already hooked to Google for life so why not make it work for us.
That’s it for this round, catch you next time! Want to submit a link you thought was great? Reach out to me on FB or Twitter.
To read past link roundups, please click here.
im going to go thru the chrome extensions article.
Nice! Which ones are you liking so far?