link roundup
Link Roundup

Link Roundup #42: 10 Things to Know This Week

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Accelerate your personal finance knowledge with this regular feature on Ringgit Oh Ringgit – the Link Roundup! I promise you’ll find these 10 links informational 🙂

1. One Habit That Holds You Back from the Life and Career You Want –

That habit is the habit of seeking permission, something that most, if not all of us were taught since young.

If you have not unlearned this habit, 2020 is the time to do it.

To be clear, a lot of things do require permission. This article refers to the decision-making processes that don’t, or can be achieved even if someone said ‘no’.

2. This Twitter thread about self-representing your own fraud case in civil court

Click the tweet and read the replies because there are lots of super useful information!

3. Before You Get Engaged, Ask Your Partner These Tough Questions – Washington Post

Specifically related to work and money,

  • How devoted are you each to your careers, and what are your professional goals?
  • Whose work life might need to be prioritized at times, and how?
  • Are you open to geographical moves?
  • Are you looking to make changes in your career, position or education?
  • Will the burden of being the main source of income or health insurance fall to one of you, be shared or alternate over time?
  • How might this change if and when you have kids?
  • How do your spending habits match up?
  • If there’s debt, who is primarily responsible for it?
  • What are your expectations around joint accounts vs. your own money?
  • If there are inheritances or job losses someday, how would those be handled?

Tough, yes, but easier to go through than divorces I’m sure.

There are also tough questions surrounding the topics of health, family, living together, and communication and social interaction (styles). Click the link to find them.

4. Resolutions Suck; Make A List of Things to Be Excited About Instead Vice

I love this approach! Like you, I too have a list of goals that I want to achieve. But what if we frame the year as an exciting one (instead of a stressful one), so we look forward to experiencing it?

It’s also completely fine to add things that might look trivial to others – the list is yours and yours only, after all!

As I grow older and take on more responsibilities and be more ‘adult’, I’ll take any and all opportunities to appease my inner child 🙂

Look at the author’s list, written when she was just 15. It’s so innocent and made me smile 🙂

5. Say Goodbye to Banking as We Know It Bloomberg

China is launching the first national digital currency, utilising blockchain technology. The implication:

A cumbersome and expensive network of correspondent banks becomes redundant, especially when it comes to the $124 trillion businesses move across borders annually. Imagine the productivity boost; picture the threat to lenders.

The banking industry in Malaysia is shifting as well. Soon you will see advertisements from digital banks, trying to get you as customers. Heck I predict the competition between the first 5 digital bank that hits the market will be intense. We may even get sign-up bonuses, similar to how e-wallet companies attract users now!

6. The Marxist Hack to Spice Up Any Relationship – The Cut

What an interesting experiment – she (the gf) felt she does more housework and taken advantage of, while he (the higher-earning bf) agreed that housework is work but is not able to contribute more to it.

So they decided that he should pay her for the time and effort that goes into housework in order to keep their relationship going, because fact is aside from this issue, they *are* happy together.

I spent some time calculating how much work I was actually doing: shopping, cooking, putting away groceries, shopping again because I forgot one stupid thing, cleaning up, battling with our shitty oven racks, and doing specialty jobs, like extricating a few ants from a container of maple syrup or scrubbing dried mustard and ketchup out of the refrigerator door.

I was astonished to discover that I was spending at least 15 hours a week on housework. Tor and I decided that for this work, he’d start paying me an hourly wage.

Super cool read if you’re into Marxism theory. Click the article to read the full story and thought process. The history behind The Wages for Housework Movement is fascinating.

7. The Top 10 Food Trends of The Entire Decade The Kitchn

Aka where your money went in the last 10 years, in one single image.

8. 19 Weird Goal-Setting Tips That Actually Work Bustle

How can I *not* add this article in this week’s link roundup, if Tip #15 is to procastinate more?

Love the science-backed compilation. Give it a read – there’s bound to be a goal-setting tip you haven’t heard/experimented with yet!

9. Infographic: How Good Are Your Problem Solving Skills? – Leaderonomics

Great infographics! Find out if you are a systematic problem solver, inconsistent problem solver or intuitive problem solver, then click the link to get tips to be a better problem solver based on your type.

10. How We Plan Our ENTIRE YEAR In Advance –

It started with a random tweet

Then a kind-hearted soul (she locked her account so I assume she wants the privacy) shared me this amazing video. It’s really good, lots of actionable tips!

That’s it for this round, catch you next time! Want to submit a link you thought was great? Reach out to me on FB or Twitter.

To read past link roundups, please click here.

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