link roundup
Link Roundup

Link Roundup #73: 10 Things to Know This Week

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Accelerate your personal finance knowledge with this regular feature on Ringgit Oh Ringgit – the Link Roundup! I promise you’ll find these 10 links informational 🙂

1. Meet the Financial Advisors Who Don’t Always Follow Their Own Advice –

It’s true what they say: we’re only human. Even people who study and work in a specialised field don’t always take their own advice. That’s how you get financial advisors who also (and knowingly) ignore the most basic of financial advice, like diversification and paying yourself first (both of which I also personally ignore for myself tbh).

And you know what? That’s okay. In fact, I like it when people admit and share their flaws. It makes them more human, more relatable. I kind of prefer financial advisors who do this actually.

2. Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know – Next Big Idea Club

Adam Grant, is one of my favourite thought leaders. A short intro for those who don’t know him:

Adam Grant is an organizational psychologist at Wharton, where he’s been the school’s top-rated professor for seven years running. He is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of five books that have sold millions of copies and been translated into 35 languages, and he hosts the chart-topping WorkLife podcast. He has been recognized as one of the world’s 10 most influential management thinkers and Fortune’s 40 under 40.

In this article, he shared the three big ideas from his new book, Think Again. They sound fascinating and I can’t want to read the book and have my mind blown.

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know

3. What Working Dads Can Do When a High-Pressure Job Asks Too Much – Harvard Business Review

Because fathers deserve quality time with their children, too. I find it really sad that some children never get the chance to bond with their fathers as they work all the time.

4. SPS Prihatin Wanita – PERKESO/SOCSO

ATTENTION: Women small business owners!! Get 70% discount when you enrol in PERKESO’s Self-employment Security Scheme – just pay RM69.80 instead of RM232.80!

Bottom line: you’re self-employed or work in informal sector, you should check this scheme out. More info: How to Apply for SOCSO / PERKESO Self-Employment Social Security Scheme

5. How To Be A Genuinely Helpful Spouse, From Couples’ Therapists – MindBodyGreen

Because having a great relationship with one’s spouse is a great predictor of financial stability AND happiness.

6. You Will Hate Your Husband After Your Kid Is Born – The Slate

Did you skip the above link, #5? If you’re married with children (or in a committed relationship, whatever, I don’t judge), go back and read it. You should know what your partner is feeling (or lack of), so both of you can work on it.

Look at these stats:

  • 67 percent of couples are less satisfied with their marriages after having a baby.
  • 2009 study of first-time parents in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that a scant 7 percent of mothers reported feeling more satisfied with their marriage, compared with 15% of fathers
  • When children move past babyhood, working moms are still 2½ times as likely as working fathers to interrupt their sleep to take care of others
  • A 2015 Ohio State study of ​working couples found that men did a fairly equal share of housework—until, that is, they became dads. By the time their baby had reached nine months, the women had added more than two hours of daily work, the men a mere 40 minutes.

7. 6 daring habits of highly driven people – The Ladders

The habits are:

  • They Use Challenges As Fuel For Growth
  • They Take Risky Actions
  • They Embrace Failure
  • They Don’t Let Their Heads Rule Their Hearts
  • They Face Their Fears Head On
  • They Ask For Help

A pretty useful list and a good reference. I’m not a particularly driven person but gosh I do want to keep growing (as a person) so I have no choice but to keep doing hard things.

8. How To Safeguard Your Rights As A Consumer In Malaysia – CompareHero

Unhappy about a product or service? Submit a report. Click the article above to see the agencies that you can contact for (possible) recourse.

Although… sometimes complaining a lot works too ahahahahaha

9. 50 Ideas to Help You Design Your Perfect Morning Routine – Inc

Some of the ideas are pretty meh and seems like its included just for the sake of getting to 50 items (meditation was suggested 4 times, in various forms), but some of them are new to me and worth experimenting with. I have a pretty good morning routine as it is but can it be better? Sure.

10. In Conversation with Roshan Kanesan: How Companies Keep Us Buying

And last but not least, please enjoy this IGTV on the psychological tricks that companies do to influence your purchasing decisions.

That’s it for this round, catch you next time! Want to submit a link you thought was great? Reach out to me on FB or Twitter.

To read past link roundups, please click here.

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