21 for 2021 list

My 21 for 2021 List: Money, Work, Learning, Health, Relationship and Misc Projects Goals

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Hi, my name is Suraya and I am addicted to self-improvement.

That’s good and all, but it’s also making me feel like my current state is never good enough.  I live in constant anxiety and fear of missing out that ‘one’ thing that will finally ‘complete’ my learning process and ‘add value’ to my life!

Combined with my high score in Openness to Experiences (as per the Big 5 Personality Trait Assessment), that means I’m highly susceptible to what they call The Shiny Object Syndrome. I want to try and do everything!

That’s probably why I decided to make a 21 for 2021 list – inspired by Grethen Rubin’s (one of my favourite authors) article, ‘Tired of Making New Year’s Resolutions? Try Making a “20 for 2020” List Instead‘.

21 is big enough a number for me to list out what I deem important to explore in 2021, yet small enough to serve as a hard limit. If anything new comes up, I’ll bring it forward to the following year (or find a way to justify it under one of the 21 lol).

Here is my 21 for 2021 List:

EDIT: end of December 2021. I managed to complete 9 out of 21. The ones completed is bolded


1. Earn RM100k in income 

Its just a nice, round figure. I’ll be happy if I hit it, but won’t beat myself hard if I don’t.

2. Max out ASB

3. Get the vending machine side-income business up and running 

Related: How to Do Vending Machine Business in Malaysia (My Experience)


4. Do Money Stories from Malaysians: Volume 3

5. Work on Pinterest marketing (since I bought the course – #10)

6. Complete and launch workbook for sale

7. Redesign Ringgit Oh Ringgit website


8. Complete CFP course

(Related: My CFP Journey, Part 1: Why, Where and How Much to Be A Certified Financial Planner in Malaysia)

9. Complete The Happiness Project Experience

10. Complete Pinterest Course

11. Read at least 2 books per month

12. Re-read 10 books I already own

I find it very hard to re-read books once I’ve read them, so I’m adding this in my 21 for 2021 List as a personal challenge. Related: What’s On My Bookshelf: What I Read and HIGHLY RECOMMEND


13. Lose 10kg

Methods: low-carb, suku-suku separuh

14. Track food intake

15. Take a daily walk after a meal

Relationship, Family & Friends

16. Move to our new place

Ngl I’m really excited about budgeting for this!

17. Have 2 dates per month

18. Meet families regularly (once a week)

Misc projects

19. Attempt a balcony garden (again)

I made my own fertiliser using the bokashi fermentation method, it would be a shame to not use the fertile soil for actual gardening!

20. Do at least 1 x no-spend month

I need to tame my desire for earthly pleasures, it’s getting out of control. What better way to do this than by challenging myself to a no-spend month? Thanks Figuringgitout for the inspiration!

21. Work on my limiting beliefs

I know that I have a huge mental barrier with doing sales, and that makes me procastinate on completing projects – in my head, if I complete it, then I have to sell it, and that fear of selling stops me from working on my personal bucket list projects.

What would you put in your 21 for 2021 List?

Important: My 21 for 2021 List is just a tool to help me re-focus my priorities, because I find it hard to simultaneously (1) work on one thing at a time, and (2) not be distracted by something new due to my love for variety and dislike for routine.

If 21 for 2021 is too many for you (it took me ~2 weeks to complete my list!), then consider the Three Hobbies method instead: One hobby to make money, One hobby to keep you in shape, and One hobby to be creative.

If an activity you want to explore for 2021 is ‘more writing’ (related: The Beginner’s Guide to Writing Good Articles (for Power, Profit and Pleasure), doing a 21 for 2021 List is a GREAT way to do some self-reflection. If you do one, can you do me a favour and a link to your own 21 for 2021 List in the comments section? I would love to read yours!

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  1. Suku-suku diet?

    I’ve come to realized that I have serious shiny object syndrome and I probably need to work with a coach to fix that. Now thinking about the 21 list – consistently invest would top the money category, and find a soul mate in relationship.

  2. Hi hi Suraya, I’ve been a follower of yours from late 2019. I’ve completed my 20 for 2021 list! I must say 2020 has been a very tough year for me… With my mom passed away on 2019 which I am still grieving from then this year my dad passed away too at the beginning of December. I have to say these few years are the shittiest year of my life. I am hoping for the best on 2021 and try to complete as much short goals as possible! *Life’s too short to look at big goals, better to focus small and let it snowball*

    1. Challenge No Spend Month on: [January] [April] [July] [September] [November]

    2. Saved up RM 15,000 by December 2021

    3. Clear off Honda City debt by December 2021

    4. Never miss out on recording Daily Expenses

    1. Workout 2x Per Week [Push & Pull]

    2. Jog 2x Per Week [Active Rest]

    3. Be consistent with Whey Protein intake [Take every day]

    4. Do a Full Body Checkup

    5. Change Hair Color!

    1. Visit Brother’s Family 2x Per Month

    2. Try 2 New Places/Activities/Foods with Fiance Per Month

    3. Hangout with Hometown Friends 1x Per Month

    4. Hangout with College Mates 1x Per Month

    5. Remember Not To Sweat The Small Stuffs

    Work & Passion
    1. Be Active in Work at New Company [Ask Questions, Help Solve Problem, Join Courses]

    2. Put out 1 YouTube Video Per Month

    3. Major House Cleaning

    4. Find A Side Income During Weekend

    1. Finish Up Total Money Makeover Audiobook

    2. Finish Reading Don’t Sweat the Small Stuffs

    1. Wow what a list, thanks for sharing your goals with me Jeff. What’s your youtube channel? want to subscribe and get updates on your journey 🙂

    1. Hi Amirah Z,

      What a wonderful list, thanks for sharing with me! Shows a lot of your personal values and insights of yourself as a person. Looking forward to make 2021 our best year yet!

  3. THE FEAR OF SELLING!! You’re on point! I’m in the midst of working with a life coach to elevate mindset and I’m doing a lot of inner work and reading. Sending you lots of good vibes

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