Suraya's Monthly Budget Update

Budget Update: September 2015

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September was… waiting. A lot of waiting. A lot of pre-planned activities that needed doing – actually packing, actually selling off stuff, actually re-organising life. It wasn’t fun, it was lonely and melancholic. On the upside, I didn’t spend that much, but the biggest self reminder is that I should ease up on buying ‘wants’, because I am officially a freelancer now. Without fixed income. Eeep.


Yay of the month:

  • I’ve been telling everyone about my move, and subsequent plans to freelance/ work on Kotak Koffee. As of end of September, I have one well-paying temporary job lined up in October (from friend’s contact), one offer for free booth to sell Kotak Koffee (from friend), and one offer to recommend me to a job if I wanted it (from friend). That doesn’t include the other kind words to help me out, in various forms. Oh goodness, I feel very undeserved of all these kindness. Thank you guys so, so much.
  • kdsksI got my health checked. Except for a cyst in my left breast, and multiple cysts in my ovaries, I’m in good health. The cysts in my ovaries, in particular, got me freaked out a little bit – but the worse thing it can do is hormone imbalance and perhaps makes it harder for me to get pregnant. I’m good with those symptoms, it can be a lot worse and I’m not complaining.
  • DIY dip-dyed my hair. Light brown at the bottom. I wish I’m one of those girls who don’t give a shit and can just giye their hair in rainbow colours, but I like being practical too much (I mean, what if I have a job interview a few weeks down the line??)
  • Ordered Kotak Koffee namecards and more stickers!
  • A big yay: I can call myself a published writer 😀 My article got published.

Nay of the month:

  • I have officially ended my work at IWRAW Asia Pacific. It’s so bittersweet. And actually a bit surreal. It’s still sinking in. I’m actually having a hard time digesting this fact – going to miss working with them. I gave my colleagues semi-DIY thank you cards. I can’t get over how cute they are. Look:
  • IMG_20150930_080011


  • I don’t know why more people are not freaked out with the fact that EPF is now loaning money to 1MDB. We give 11% of our income every month to be managed by people who think 1MDB is a good investment strategy, apparently. RM1.5 billion. That’s a hell lot of money. That’s a hell lot individual retirement funds – our retirement funds – being used to bail out 1MDB if it defaults. That’s literally our future on the line. If your only retirement fund is EPF, you better get a Plan B, C and D soon. Plan other sources of income. Being old AND poor is a horrible thought. Shit. How can the government get away with this?

Things to look forward to:

  • Settling in Ipoh. In October I will still be going back and forth between KL and Ipoh. I am slowly moving my shit.  I am slowly buying new shit. I am slowly disposing shit.
  • The freelance lifestyle. Oh man, this will be quite the change. As I’m writing this, it’s only been Day 4. It felt like it’s been weeks. After working for 10 years now, working for myself and having no set schedule is weird. I don’t know what to do half the time. I write at really random hours. I think I might do a proper post on this.

All in all, please do a (halal) toast for my well being. Especially for my mental well being.  The day feels so much longer now.

*clinks glass*

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